European Elections 2024
The election of the 720 European deputies from the 27 Member States for the period 2024-2029 a priori shows a shift in the center of gravity of the European Parliament towards the right. This shift does not call into question the de facto pro-European majority, made up of the center-right group (188 EPP), the social democrats (136 S&D) and the liberal-centrists (80 Renew), i.e. 404 deputies (56 %) out of a total of 720.
In certain cases, this theoretical majority could also sometimes be transformed as in the past by the occasional support of the group of environmentalists (53 Greens) or Eurosceptics (73 ECR), depending on the votes.
In the context of a total parliament membership increased by 15 members, the main EPP group gains 10 deputies, with 186 members. The Eurosceptic right (ECR) gains 4 members, and the nationalist right (ID) gains 9 members, with 58 deputies.
Among the relatively stable groups, we find the S&D Social Democrats (down 4 members) and the Radical Left (GUE) with 36 MPs (down 1 MP).
The ecologists and the centrist-liberals, on the other hand, are faced with a significant drop of a quarter of their membership, of 18 members and 28 members respectively.
This structure may evolve, with the possible re-membership of some of the 62 “non-registered” groups, such as the 10 members of the Hungarian Fidesz, excluded from the EPP in the previous legislature, or the 15 members of the AFD German, excluded from the ID group in the previous legislature. The analysis must also take into account 40 deputies who are difficult to classify for the moment, some of whom will end up joining one or other of the groups already formed.
Among the large countries, demographically speaking, which are Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Poland (two thirds of the population of the Union, 367 seats, half of the European Parliament):
- Spain presents a classic center-right and social-democrat structure,
- Germany has a fairly classic center-right structure, social democrats and ecologists,
- Italy a less classic Eurosceptic and social democratic structure,
- Poland an atypical center-right and Eurosceptic structure,
- France a singular structure of nationalists, social democrats and liberal-centrists.
From a left-right perspective (in reality quite irrelevant at the level of the European Parliament), the left would have 245 seats and the right 317 seats, while the liberal center would have 80 seats.
Transparency Register
A new version of the EU Transparency Register has been been launched following joint work by the European Commission and the European Parliament. This ‘second generation’ of the Register implements the provisions of the revised Inter-institutional Agreement signed between the European Parliament and the European Commission in April 2014.
The new system brings changes to the way human resources invested in lobbying are declared, requires additional information about involvement in EU committees, forums, intergroups or similar structures, and legislative files currently followed; it also extends the requirement to declare estimated costs related to lobbying to all registrants.
Additionally, a streamlined ‘alerts & complaints’ procedure allows for greater scrutiny and more efficient treatment of allegedly misleading information, and new incentives are given to increase the added value of registering, such as a requirement to register for all those seeking to meet with Commissioners, Cabinet Members or Directors-General or for any organisation wishing to speak at hearings organized by the European Parliament.
A more user friendly website improves the public interface and provides for a more straightforward registration process with guidance provided in a step-by-step approach.
The Juncker Commission intends to make its own proposal in 2015 for a mandatory register of lobbyists covering the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. The preparation of this proposal is the responsibility of First Vice-President Timmermans.
The European Parliament works mainly in Brussels, and takes most decisions in committee meetings open to the public.
Danielle Nouy, the Chair of the Banking Supervisory Authority was at a hearing organised by the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee.